well, while we were there visiting vanessa, on our way out of the hospital i had to use the bathroom. i went into the public one on the first floor (for visitors as opposed to patients) and the trash can next to the pot was overflowing with paper covered with fecal matter, the toilet was leaking around the base with some rancid, old rag mildly containing the flow and general squalor. now, having lived in ukraine for almost 6 years, i am used to these kinds of bathrooms. you learn to pee while holding your breath after a while (i personally think they should make it an olympic sport :). but what made me laugh was that in this restroom was a brand new, shiny, polyvinyl "euro-window". now, for those in the states who don't know, this is like a status symbol in ukraine that you're moving up in the world. as i held my breath and did my thing, i thought about the people that will walk by that window outside and think "hey! i bet this is a nice place inside!"
what struck me about it all is how representative this little toilet-room is of how we often live our lives. we invest lots of effort and resources into making sure that people walking by us think we've got it together, that we are on our way up. when in all reality, inside there might be a smelly load of.... well, you get the picture.
in addition to my last post: it seems that many people who've commented and others i've talked to lately about the health care issue are all for a universal system and see the benefits.... well, the fact is, its not gonna happen by wishful thinking. now, i'm not advocating picketing dc unless that's your thing, but if you're interested, take 30 seconds to fill out the petition info at this link that will automatically be forwarded to your congressperson expressing your support HR676 - the universal health care act. if you wanna see change, click here to do something about it.
oh! and a huge praise report: we've FINALLY got a facility for our church to meet in! we are working on renovations now and hope to have the first service there in a couple weeks. i'll try to get some pics up soon. tom has a few small one's up at his site. click here to see them. keep praying for Jesus to lead us through this process and to be glorified in even greater ways!
and here a couple pics of abby trying on my winter boots... she hopped in them herself.
ha ha, I used that same bathroom! it never ceases to amaze me that bathrooms are like that in HOSPITALS here!Abby's so cute! Caleb loves to put my shoes on and walk around.will do the petition thing. thanks
So you never got back to me about wheter or not you want to do something while your here in California... My schedual is filling up really fast for January and I have a lot going on and need to decide on what to do and what not to do as far as getting time off work. So if you would like to do something or go somewhere let me know this week sometime so I can try to figure it into in my plans...
Well...I don't think that I could take the whole week off since I'm taking the previous week off for the missions conference but I could probably do a couple of days with you. Have you seen the redwoods? San Diego? I don't really know what you've seen before so... I'll keep thinking about what we could do...
that's an awesome pic of your little girl!!
i'm doing pretty good. i'm just hanging out in cleveland for the holiday. what would take about 5 horus of driveing took almost 10.... yeah... stuck in a traffic jam just before it happend for 4 1/2 hrs. oh well. at least i wasn't the one in it.
that's awesome that you all got a place for church!
heya. you're welcome for everything. hopefully it all arrived okay. yeah, wes said you said I quit cold turkey. I guess I was on all the time cause I was kinda bored and lonely. not the case here. but I have some time now so hope to catch up a bit. glad you will see wes in cali soon. talk to you later.
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