Thursday, June 12, 2008

equal opportunity baby

okay, so i just realized that i've been putting all our newest photos of abby on my facebook (since there's this handy plug-in that exports pics directly from iphoto to facebook).  and i thought that abby needed a little representation on xanga, too.  so here she is in VIDEO (which is worth a whole lot of pictures).  she's totally hooked on the movie "cars" so this little clip is of her doing her lightning mcqueen impression.  enjoy!


wildflowerwendy said...

What a cutie! She's changed so much!  Thanks for the heads up about the video. I hope to get on xanga more after we get into our own house. Maybe start up facebook so I can view other people's. Tell hi to Lena for me please!

wildflowerwendy said...

You know, with Caleb we both had strong "boy" feelings. This time we haven't really. But here towards the end I'm getting more girl vibes. Doesn't really mean anything though. You know that Cars is still Caleb's favorite movie too? He loves it so much! His favorite is Mater and he calls him "Mommer."

matthewhawkins said...

very insightful comment about the emergent church..I guess we will have to wait and see what happens!