Friday, October 31, 2008

happy reformation day!

that's right, not only is it halloween (the most ridiculous holiday of the year), but its more importantly "reformation day". on oct. 31st in 1517 ad, martin luther nailed his 95 theses to the door of the church in wittenberg, thus marking the beginning of the protestant reformation. now there's a real holiday! here's thesis number 62 for you to chew on today:

"the true treasure of the Church
is the Most Holy Gospel of the glory and the grace of God.


Jake Knotts said...

Hi Ben,

Great to see you on Blogger. I have been off the radar the last few days going to Kiev and dealing with doctor stuff.

I will try to get back to dialoging soon.

Hope you guys are doing well.

benjamin morrison said...

good deal, bro. how is your health lately? it would be great if you guys came down sometime in your fancy french-mobile just to hang out. i could brew us up some kaladi brothers' coffee (like 5x as good as starbucks) and we could "dialogue" it up. ;)